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Feedback and complaints

We are continually looking to turn patient feedback into real improvements in the services we provide. We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families.

Giving feedback

To provide feedback:

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can occasionally go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

If you wish to pursue a complaint please contact the practice manager who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding the complaints procedure from reception.

Complaints procedure

We are always pleased to receive suggestions for improving our services and we like receiving compliments too. We hope that you will never have cause for serious complaint, but if you do, our complaints procedure is detailed below.

How do I make a complaint?

Please initially speak directly to your GP, or to our practice manager. The earlier we are aware that you are not happy with an occurrence or decision, the quicker we can try to resolve matters.

Alternately you may wish to put your complaint in writing to any of the doctors or to the practice manager. A formal complaint will be acknowledged in writing normally within 3 working days.

Due to confidentiality we cannot accept complaints on behalf of other people without the written consent of the patient. Those with legal responsibility, for example a parent, may make complaints on behalf of someone else, such as a child or teenager. If the child or teenager is old enough to understand the proceedings, they may wish to be involved. We can advise where consent is required.

What if my complaint is about another part of the NHS and not the surgery?

Please contact Gloucestershire Healthwatch who can advise. Contact details listed on the back of this leaflet. We can only investigate complaints made about the service the College Yard and Highnam Surgery provides.

How will my complaint be acknowledged?

The complaint will be acknowledged immediately if it is a verbal complaint.

A written complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days by letter. This will contain a complaints plan where we suggest how we will investigate, and how we will respond to you. You can agree or suggest another method until we agree a complaints plan.

Who will investigate my complaint?

Each complaint will be dealt with by the practice manager as the complaints manager for the surgery. If the complaint is about a clinical matter a doctor or nurse not directly involved in the complaint will be involved.

How will I find out more about my complaint?

The practice follows the NHS complaints procedure. After we have received the complaint we will make a complaint plan to be agreed between the practice and the complainant. The complainant will be advised of a likely timescale the investigation is anticipated to take and the timescale in which the response is likely to be sent.


Hearing about your experience, whether good or bad, gives us the possibility to learn and improve the service we offer to all of our patients.

What if I am not satisfied with the outcome of my complaint?

It is sincerely hoped that your complaint can be satisfactorily resolved by one of the GPs and practice manager (known as local resolution).

If you remain dissatisfied you have the right to ask the Health Service Ombudsman to review your case. The National Health Service Ombudsman is an independent body established to promote improvements in healthcare. You will need to request the review within 2 months of receiving confirmation of the local resolution.

You can also talk about your concern or complaint to the NHS Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire Patient Advice and Liaison Service, Gloucestershire Healthwatch or The Care Quality Commission.

We very much hope that the above procedure will resolve any complaints or concerns that you wish to raise. If, however, you do not feel satisfied with the outcome you can contact NHS England at: or on 0300 311 2233 (Monday to Friday).

Useful addresses

NHS Gloucestershire

Sanger House
5220 Valiant Court
Gloucester Business Park
Brockworth Gloucester

0300 421 1500

Health Service Ombudsman England

11th Floor,
Millbank Tower
Millbank, London

0345 015 4033


Healthwatch Gloucestershire

Community House
15 College Green
Gloucester GL1 2LZ

0800 652 5193 or 01452 504989

Care Quality Commission

03000 616161


Gloucestershire Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

0800 0151 548 or 01452 566698
